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Dr. Sagib Kumar Ghosh

  1. Sagib K. Ghosh (2018) “Antecedents of Destination Loyalty: An Empirical Study on Bangladeshi Tourists” Presidency Journal of Management Thought & Research (PJMTR) India. Vol. VIII.
  2. Sagib K. Ghosh (2017) “Value dimensions analysis for tourism destination among Bangladeshi young tourist: An Empirical study” Bangladesh Journal of Tourism, Marketing Forum for Education and Research. Vol. I
  3. Sagib K. Ghosh (2016) “Assessing the effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction: An empirical study on superstore retail chain service in Bangladesh” – Chittagong University Journal of Social Science Studies.
  4. Sagib K. Ghosh (2015) “Antecedent of consumer banking service loyalty: A study on retail banking service in Bangladesh” – International Journal of Human Potential Development, India
  5. Sagib K. Ghosh (2014) “Bangladeshi mobile banking service quality and customer satisfaction and loyalty” – Journal of Management & Marketing, Romania.
  6. Sagib K. Ghosh (2015) “Understanding the Role of Brand Image on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Beauty Soap Market of Bangladesh” - The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration.
  7. Sagib K. Ghosh (2015) “The relationship among perceived service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty: an empirical study on retail superstore chain service in Bangladesh”. - The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration.
  8. Sagib K. Ghosh (2015) “Predicting the Relationship between Customer Perceived Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Survey on Lead-acid Battery Patrons in Bangladesh” - The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration.
  9. Sagib K. Ghosh (2014) “Measuring the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in banking service in Bangladesh” -The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration.
  10. Sagib K. Ghosh (2015) “Understanding Bangladeshi Consumers’ Intention to Use Self-Service Technology (SSTs)” - The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration.
  11. Sagib K. Ghosh (2014) “The Influence of Technology Readiness on Customer Satisfaction with SSTs” – The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration.
  12. Sagib K. Ghosh (2012), “Intergenerational Impact of Consumers’ Scepticism Toward Advertising”, Dhaka University Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 42.
  13. Sagib K. Ghosh and (2010),”Measuring Bangladeshi Consumers’ Skepticism Toward Advertising”  Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, vol, 22.
  14. Sagib K. Ghosh and Tayub Chowdhury, (2009), “Measuring Materialism and Frugality Across Culture”, has been accepted for publication, Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, vol, 21.
  15. Sagib K. Ghosh and H.S.Sorwardy, (2008), “New Improvement in Below -The –Line Marketing Communications”, Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, Vol. – 20, p 315-338.
  16. Sagib K. Ghosh and A. K. Azad, (2008), “Emergence of conceptual Aspects of Private Label Brand (PLB) in Bangladesh”, Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, Vol. – 20, p 231-260.
  17. Sagib K. Ghosh and Tunazzina Sultana, (2008), “New Understanding Materialism Among Youth in Bangladesh”, Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, Vol. – 20, p 73-96.
  18. Sagib K. Ghosh and Indrajit Kundu, (2007), “A Cross Cultural Study of Materialism Among Asian and European Young Professionals”, Chittagong University Journal of Social Science, Vol. 25, P 97 – 118.
  19.  Sagib K. Ghosh (2004), “Market Analysis for Mollusk in Bangladesh Through Consumer Survey”, Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, Vol. -27, P 44-52.
  20. Mohammed Soliaman and Sagib K. Ghosh, (2000), “Building Skill of Poor Through Entrepreneurial Training: Exploring Women Potentialities in Rural Bangladesh”, AMDISA Conference paper, p 181-189, Conference held on March 23-25,2000, Pune, India.
  21. Mohammed Soliaman and Sagib K. Ghosh (1998), “Innovative Marketing in Bangladesh: Focus on Small-Scale Industrial Sector”, Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 14, p 315-330.

Dr. Fuad Hasan

Hasan,F., Motie, G. B., and Squires, G. D. (2020) “Perceptions ofHome Insurance and Policy Directions: Comparing Mexican Americans andNon-Hispanic White Americans,” Journal of Consumer Affairs (ABDCRank: A). 54(2), 417-455.

Zolfagharian,M., Hasan, F., Iyer, P. (2018). CustomerResponse to Service Encounter Linguistics. Journalof Services Marketing ABDCRank: A). 32(5), 530-546.

Zolfagharian, M., Hasan,F., Iyer, P. (2017). Employee, Branch, and BrandSwitching: The Role of Linguistic Choice, Use, and Adaptation. Journal of Services Marketing ABDCRank: A), 31(4/5), 452-470.

Dr. Mostafa Ali

Mostafa Ali (2020). Dynamic Relation Between Economic Growth, Stock Market Depth and Macroeconomic Variables of Bangladesh.Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 13(26), 45-63.

Dr. Mostafa Ali

Mostafa Ali (2019). Risk-Return Relation and Time-Varying Volatility of Bangladesh Stock Market.Indonesian Journal of Contemporary Management Research, 1(2), 96-115.

Dr. Mostafa Ali

Mostafa Ali, Gang Sun and Mohammed Ali Arshad Chowdhury (2018). Dynamic Interaction Between Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Stock Prices in Bangladesh.Indonesian Journal of Management and Business Economics, 1 (1), 66–84.

Dr. Mostafa Ali

MostafaAli,and Mohammed Ali Arshad Chowdhury (2018). Effect of efficient management of working capital on profitability-A casestudy on some selected Textile Companies of Bangladesh. The ChittagongUniversity Journal of Business Administration.

Dr. Mostafa Ali

MostafaAliand Gang Sun (2017). Dynamic Relations between Stock Price and ExchangeRate: Evidence from South Asia. International Journalof Economics and Financial Issues,7(3), 331-341.

Dr. Mostafa Ali

Mohammad Moinul Haque,Md Ali Arshad Chowdhury, and MostafaAli (2014). Effect of Organizational Justice Over AffectiveCommitment and the Role of Marital Status. The ChittagongUniversity Journal of Business Administration.

Dr. Mostafa Ali

Md Ali Arshad Chowdhury, Mostafa Ali and Reza Humayun Morshed Hayat (2010). Application ofDifferent IAS/IFRS in Preparing Financial Statements- A Study of BangladeshiPrivate Commercial Banks. The BangladeshAccountant.

Dr. Mohammad Morshedur Rahman


Author(s), Title of Article, Name of Journal, Volume, Issue and Page number




Uddin, S. & Rahman, M.M. (2011). Relationship between Working Capital Management and Profitability: A Study on Selected Listed Companies in Bangladesh. The Cost and Management, 39(4), 5-9.




Begum, L., Rahman, M.M. & Rahman, T. (2012). Opportunities for Micro and Small Scale Enterprises (MSEs) in the Tourism Sector: The Case of Bangladesh Coast. The Cost and Management Accountants, 40(1), 20-24.




Majumder, M.T.H., Rahman,M. M., & Rahman, M.M. (2012). Perceptions of Bangladeshi Investors on the Usefulness of Interim Financial Reports. School of Doctoral Studies (European Union) Journal, 24-29.




Rahman, M.M., Das, A. & Huq, S.M., (2012). Job Satisfaction of Female Employees in Financial Institution of Bangladesh: A Study on Selected Private Commercial Banks in Chittagong. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 12(14), 87-94.




Rahman, M.M., Bashar, A. & Ullah, H. (2012).External Debt and Gross Domestic Product in Bagladesh: a Cointegration Analysis, The Bangladesh Accountant, 41, 64-70




Rahman, M.M., Alam, S.M.S. and Arefin, S. (2012). The Relationship between Carbon Emission (CO2) and Economic Growth in Bangladesh, The Chittagong University Journal of Commerce, 22, 373-384.

Chittagong University



Majumder, M.T.H., & Rahman, M.M. (2012). Impact of Working Capital Management on Return to Shareholders: A Study on Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh. The Comilla University Journal, 1(1), 195-204.

Comilla University


Publications as Assistant Professor


Author(s), Title of Article, Name of Journal, Volume, Issue and Page number




Paul, J.C., Hoque, M.S., & Rahman, M.M. (2013). Selection of Best ARIMA Model for Forecasting Average Daily Share Price Index of Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Square Pharmaceutical Ltd. Global journal of Management & Business Research, 13(3)(1.0), 14-23.




Uddin, K.M.K., Rahman, M.M., & Quaosar, G.M.A.A. (2014). Causality between Exchange Rate and Economic Growth in Bangladesh, European Scientific Journal, 10(31), 11-26.




Ashraf, B.N., Arshad, S., Rahman, M.M., Kamal, M.A., and Khan, K. (2015). Regulatory hypothesis and bank dividend payouts: Empirical evidence from Italian banking sector. Journal of Financial Engineering, 2(1), 1550009.

World Scientific



Rahman, M.M., and Hamid, K. (2015). Impact of Dividend Policy on Share Price: A Study on Selected Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh, The Chittagong University Journal of Commerce, 26, 183-196.

Chittagong University



Ibrahim, K., Rahman, M.M., and Chowdhury, M.A.A. (2015). Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Gross Domestic Products (GDP) in Bangladesh: A Cointegration Analysis, European Scientific Journal, 6(8), 196-207.




Rahman, M.M., Zheng, C., and Ashraf, B.N. (2015), Bank Size, Risk-taking and Capital Regulation in Bangladesh, Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 8(15), 95-114.

Ala-Too International University, Bishek, Kyrgyztan



Rahman, M.M., Uddin, K.M.K., and Moudud-Ul-Huq, S. (2015). Factors affecting Risk-taking behavior of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh, Applied Finance and Accounting, 1(2), 96-106.




Rahman, M.M., Hamid, M.K., and Khan, M.A.M. (2015), Determinants of Bank Profitability: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh, International Journal of Business and Management; 10(8), 135-149.



Publications as Associate Professor


Author(s), Title of Article, Name of Journal, Volume, Issue and Page number




Rahman, M. M., & Ashraf, B. N. (2017). Does the ownership structure matter for banks’ capital regulation and risk-taking behavior? Empirical evidence from a developing country. Research in International Business and Finance42, 404-421.




Rahman, M. M. (2018). Capital requirements, the cost of financial intermediation and bank risk-taking: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh. Research in International Business and Finance44, 488-503.




Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 11(22), 29-57.

Ala-Too International University, Bishek, Kyrgyztan



Sultana, I., & Rahman, M. M. (2020). Determinants of bank cost efficiency: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh. International Journal of Banking and Finance, 15(1), 39-71.

Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)

Malaysian University


Rahman, M.M., Chowdhury, M.A.A., & Moudud-Ul-Huq, S. (2020). Do the Banks Determine Regulatory Capital, Risk, and Cost Inefficiency in Bangladesh? Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 7(12), 211-222.

Korea Distribution Science Association

Scopus, ESCI


Rahman, M.M., & Chowdhury, M.A.A. (2021). Impact of Capital Regulation on Bank Risk-taking: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh. The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 33, 103-138.

Chittagong University


Dr. Mohammed Ali Arshad Chowdhury

Listof Publications:


1.     "PerceivedPressures and Motivations for Environmental Disclosures: Role ofCertification" Chowdhury, Md. Ali Arshad ; Rahman, Mohammad Morshedur; Dey, Mouri; Moudud-Ul-Huq, Syed; Sohail, Hafiz.M; Hossain, Sk Alamgir, SAGEOpen, ID- SO-20-4003.

2.     Demystifying the role of stakeholder pressure and competitive advantageon environmental performance of readymadegarments industries in Bangladesh”, Chowdhury, MAA*, Dey, M. Rahman,MM, M. Ali,  Journal of EnvironmentalAccounting and Management.


1.     'DynamicInteraction between Conditional Stock Market Volatility and MacroeconomicUncertainty of Bangladesh.' Ali, M. Chowdhury, MAA*, The Journal ofBusiness, Economics and Environmental Studies, 2021(Will be published onOctober Issue).

2.     “Impact of Capital Regulation on BankRisk-taking: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh”, Rahman, MM, Chowdhury, MAA*,The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, Volume-33,2021. 



1.     Macroeconomics and Taxation: Towards anEffective Tax Policy”,Chowdhury, MAA*, Abedin, MT. 2020Fall/Winter XLVII Number 2 edition of Journal of Business and EconomicPerspectives, University Tennessee, Martin.

2.      “How do the banks determine regulatory capitalrisk, and cost inefficiency in Bangladesh?” Rahman, MM, Chowdhury, MAA*,Moudud, S, The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2020, 7 (12),211-222.

3.     “Firms’Attributes and Environmental Disclosure: Evidence from listed firms inBangladesh”, Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Dey, M. and Abedin, MT. AsianJournal of Accounting Perspectives, University Malaya, 2020, 13(2), 57-77.

4.     Relationship between Risk-taking, CapitalRegulation and Bank Performance: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh”, Rahman,M.M.; Chowdhury, M.A.A*.; Dey, M. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics2018, 11(22), 29-57.

5.     Chowdhury, A.A. and Islam, M.Z. (2019).Relationship among Environmental Regulations, Environmental Management andEnvironmental Performance: A study on listed textile companies ofBangladesh. The Chittagong University Journal of BusinessAdministration, Volume 31, 2016, ISSN 2226 - 4843, Pages- 89-126.

6.     “Effectof efficient management of working capital on profitability- A case study onsome selected Textile companies of Bangladesh”, Chowdhury, M.A.A* and Ali, M., The ChittagongUniversity Journal of Business Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-29, 2018,46-57.

7.     “DynamicInteraction between Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Stock Prices in Bangladesh”,Ali, M; Sun, G; Chowdhury, M.A.A*. Indonesian Journal of Management and BusinessEconomics (2018), 1 (1), 66–84

8.     “Statusof environmental issues usage and measurement of environmental accounting- Astudy on some selected companies of Bangladesh”, Chowdhury,M.A.A.*, and Dey, M., The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration,ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-26, 2017.

9.     “Essentials of forensic: An observational study on the occurrenceof Financial Crimes in Bangladesh”, Chowdhury, M.A.A*., and Dey, M. The costand Management, ISSN-1817-5090, Vol-XLIV, No-5, September-October, 2016.

10.  SocialNetworking in Bangladesh: Boon or curse to academic engagement?- Dey, M. andChowdhury, M.A.A., Journal Management Marketing: challenges for the knowledgesociety, vol-11, no-1, 2016.

11.  GreenBanking practices in Bangladesh, Chowdhury, M.A.A., and Dey, M. The cost andManagement, Vol-XLIV, No-2, March-April, 2016.

12.   Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and GrossDomestic Product (GDP) in Bangladesh: A Cointegration Analysis- Kaleem, I.,Rahman, M.M., and Chowdhury, M.A.A., Journalof Economics and Sustainable Development, ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN2222-2855 (Online), Vol.6, No.8. (2015), pp:196-207.

13.  “Areasof corporate environmental accounting and its practice in manufacturingindustries: A study on some selected manufacturing industries in Bangladesh.”-Chowdhury, M.A.A*. & Uddin, K.M.O. Burapha HRD Journal, Vol.6, Issue:1,2015, Thailand.

14.  “IndustrialGreening and Financing: A Study on Five Selected Industries in Chittagong”Chowdhury, M.A.A*.& Haque,A.K.M.T. The Chittagong University Journal ofBusiness Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-25, 2015.

15.  “AComprehensive analysis on Mandatory Cost Audit: A case study of Bangladesh”Chowdhury, M.A.A*. & Dev, S. The Chittagong University Journal of Business

Administration,ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-25, 2015.

16.  “Effectof organizational justice over affective commitment and the role of maritalstatus” – Haq, M. Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Ali, M. The Chittagong University Journalof Business Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-24 (part-1), 2009 (Publishedin 2014).

17.   “Environmental reporting: A study of thelisted companies in Bangladesh” – Hossain, M. I. & Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Thecost and Management, Vol-XLII, No-3, May-June, 2014.

18.   “Environmental Accounting practices ofmanufacturing companies in Chittagong” Chowdhury, M.A.A*, The ChittagongUniversity Journal of Business Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-24(part-1), 2009 (Published in 2014).

19.  “Presentstatus of Corporate Environmental Accounting (CEA) in Bangladesh:A study based on some selected textile companies” - Chowdhury, M.A.A* &Hamid, M. K. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN: 2222-1697,Vol-4, Issue-17, 2013 (November), IISTE, NY, USA.

20.   “Investors’ response to the recent phenomenonof the stock market of Bangladesh” –

Ali, I. & Chowdhury,M.A.A*, The Cost & Management, ISSN: 1817-5090, Vol-XXXIX, No2,March-April, 2011.

21.  “Applicationof different IAS/IFRS in preparing financial statements- A study of

Bangladeshi privatecommercial banks (PCBs)” - Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Ali, M. & Morshed, R. H., TheBangladesh Accountant, Vol-66, No.37. ISSN 1993-3649, January-March, 2010.


Report:          A project report of selfassessment of Department of Accounting, University of Chittagong under HEQEP.

Project:           ‘Determinantsof corporate environmental performance- a study on Ready Made Garments inBangladesh’ financed by University Grants Commission, Bangladesh in November,2018. 

Ongoing Project:Research Cell, University of Chittagong

1. Prospectsof Agro-ecotourism in developing nations: An analytical study on flowers andfruits gardening in Chattogram, Bangladesh

2. Capacity and Practice ofBio-medical Waste Management (BMWM) of Hospital workers and CorporationCleaners: A Chattogram Perspective

Dr. Sujit Kumar Datta



1.  Sujit Kumar Datta, “Afghanistan: The New Hotspots of South Asian Geo-Strategic Competition”, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Review, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, Volume: 6, No: 4, Page: 197-214, April 2022.

2. Sujit Kumar Datta, “Vaccine Diplomacy’ and ‘Vaccine Nationalism’ in the post-Covid-19 Era: An Appraisal from the Bangladeshi Perspective” SPEKTRUM, University of Wahid Hasyim, Indonesia. Volume: 19, No: 1, Page: 1-20, January, 2022.1.     

3. Sujit Kumar Datta, “China-Bangladesh-India Triangular Cooperation: Options for Bangladesh” Journal of Indian Research, Mewar University, Rajasthan, India. Volume: 9, No:1 & 2, page: 1-14; September 2021.

4.     Sujit Kumar Datta, “ BRI in Bangladesh: Strategic Implications” FAULTLINES The K.P.S.Gill Journal of Conflict & Resolution, Kautilya Books & The InstituteFor Conflict Management, New Delhi, India, Volume: 27, page: 65-85; July 2021.

5.     Sujit Kumar Datta, “A Post Covid-19 World: Panic and Uncertainty” Asian Profile, Canada.Volume: 49, No: 1, Page: 19-27, March 2021.

6.     Sujit Kumar Datta “BCIM and Chinese One Belt One Road Initiative: An Analysis from Bangladeshi Perspective”- Bangladesh Political Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Volume 21, Page: 40-60, 2018.

7.      Sujit Kumar Datta,Rohingyas Problem in Bangladesh”- Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, (Journal Of Himalayan Research And Cultural Foundation), NGO in Special consultative status with ECOSOC, United Nations, B-6/86, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi -110029 (India) Vol. 19, Nos. 1-2January-June 2015.

Mohammad Morshedul Hoque

  1. Emran and Hoque, Evaluating the Pecuniary Cost-Benefit of Sitakunda Botanical Garden & Eco-Park: A Protected Area in Chittagong, Bangladesh - Published in The Chittagong University Journal of Social Science, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2008.
  2. Emran and Hoque, The Estimation ofEquivalence Scales: A Case Study of the Philippines - Published in TheAsian Profile, Volume 38, No. 3, June 2010.
  1. Majumder, Hoque & Uddin, Possible Impacts of Tipaimukh Dam on Bangladesh with Reference to International Conventions and Laws - Published in the Chittagong University Journal of Law, Volume 17, 2012
  2. Hoque and Emran, Role of Ship-breaking Industries in Bangladesh and ILO Guidelines: ACritical Discussion – Published in The Global Journal of Human SocialSciences, Volume 16, No. 3, 2016.
  1. Hoque, Khanam and Nobi, The Effects of Mothers’ Profession on Their Children’s Academic Performance: An Econometric Analysis – Published in The Global Journal of Human Social Sciences, Volume 17, No. 2, 2017.

6.  Hoque andMajumder, The Impact of Staying in Student Dormitory on Educational Outcome:Evidence from the University of Chittagong –Presented at The 5th International Conference on Management andMuamalah 2018, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selengor (KUIS), Bangi,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 15-16 August, 2018. Now this paper is under peerreview process in The Journal of Bangladesh Development Studies.

7.  Ayon and Hoque, An Empirical Study on Output Growth and EmploymentImplications of the Service Sector in Bangladesh– A working paper financed by the Research & Publication Cell of Universityof Chittagong, Bangladesh.

8. Islam,Jahan and Hoque, Comparative AcademicAchievement of the University Students in Bangladesh: An Empirical Investigation – Published in the InternationalJournal of Asian Social Science, Volume 10, Issue 7, 2020.

Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed





Publishing Authority


Making Citizens’ Rights Count


Dr. Jack Effron & Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed

International Review of Administrative Sciences

Under Review.


People’s Participation and Accountability at the Sub-District Council in Bangladesh

Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed & Dr. Amir M Nasrullah

Public Affairs and Governance,

Year: 2019, V 7, I 2

Indian Journals

DOI: 10.5958/2321-2136.2019.00013.4


A Critical Analysis of Influences of Central-Local Governmental Relations on Small-scale Development Programs and Projects of Ongoing Upazila Council in Bangladesh

Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed & Md. Mashiur Rahman

Lok ProshasonSamoeeky (In English Public Administration Periodical)

Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh


The State of Women and Children Trafficking in Bangladesh

Amir M. Nasrullah & Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed

Asian Man (An International Journal of India)

Asian Institute of Human Science and Development, India


Good Governance in Ancient Indian Subcontinent: Governance Thinking of Kautilya and Asoka and Their Present Relevance (In Bengali)

Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed, AGM Niaz Uddin & Dr. Niaz Ahmed Khan

Society and Change

OSDER, Dhaka University, Bangladesh



The Role of Alternative Media in Promoting Good Local Governance: An Exploratory Case Study

Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed & Dr. Niaz Ahmed Khan

Lok ProshasonSamoeeky (In English Public Administration Periodical)

Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Small Entrepreneurship Development in Information and Communication Technology Sector in Bangladesh

Mohammad Aminul Karim, SM Sohrab Uddin & Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed

Bangladesh Journal of Resources and Development (BJRD)

Centre for Resources and Development Research (CERDER), University of Chittagong, Bangladesh


Utilization of Financial Grants by Youth Organizations in Bangladesh

Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed, Mohammad Easin Ali & Mohammad Nur Nobi

Human Face

Centre for Human Development Studies (CHDS), Jogajog, Chittagong, Bangladesh


Youth Development: A Focus on Organizational Development and Networking

Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed, Mohammad Easin Ali & Dr. Niaz Ahmed Khan

Bangladesh Journal of Resources and Development (BJRD)

Centre for Resources and Development Research (CERDER), University of Chittagong, Bangladesh


Role of Socio-Cultural Factors in the Demand for Modern Health Care in Bangladesh: A Binary LOGIT Model

Md. Rafayet Alam & Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed

Journal of Business and Society (JBS)

Southern University, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Basharat Hossain

Published Research Works in Journal

1. Hossain, Basharat and Wadood, Syed Naimul (2020), Impact of Urban Microfinance on the Livelihood Strategies of Borrower Slum Dwellers in the Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Journal of Urban Management , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.151-167 , SCOPUS, web of Science indexed.

2. Solaiman, M. G., Chowdhury, M. S. A., Hossain, Basharat., Akter, S., & Azam, M. K. G. (2021). PREDICTING THE EFFICIENCY OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN BANGLADESH. International Journal of Accounting & Finance Review, 7(1), 17-30.

3. Hossain, Basharat and Wadood, Syed Naimul (2020), Potential Unexplored? Tourism and Economic Growth of Bangladesh", Journal of Tourismology , vol.6 , no.1, pp.63-77,

4. Hossain, Basharat (2019), Islamic Microfinance and Rehabilitation Model for the Slum and Floating Population by Waqf Funds, the Case of Bangladesh A Proposal for Muslim Countries, JKAU Islamic Economics, vol.32 , no.2 , pp.139-160, SCOPUS Indexed

5. Hossain, Basharat (2019), Islamization of Monetary Policy of 27 OIC Muslim Countries in Asia The Successes, The Barriers and The Future Directions, Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business, , Volume7, Number 2, pp. 91-104

6. Hossain, Basharat (2019), Deadweight Loss in the Interest-based and the Interest-Free (Islamic) Microfinance Programs A Comparative Analysis, International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies , Volume5, Number 2, pp. 49-71, DOI 10.25272/ijisef.509230

7. Hossain, Basharat and Wadood, Syed Naimul (2019), Does Microfinance Matter for Women Borrowers? Recent Findings from Bangladesh", Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting , vol.10 , no.3, pp.1-9

8. Hossain, Basharat, and Mowla, Muhammad Mashrurul (2018), Identifying Presence of Gharar (Uncertainty) in the Buying and Selling Mechanism under Different Kinds of Market Structure, Thoughts on Economics, Volume28, Number 3 & 4, pp. 29-39

9. Hossain, Basharat and Wadood, Syed Naimul (2018), The Proliferation of the Urban Microfinance and Its Problems and Prospects in Bangladesh", Global Journal of Human-Social Science E Economics , vol.18 , no.7 , pp.59-70

10. Hossain, Basharat (2018), Maslahah based Production Ensure the Peace in the World Economy Compared to the Non-Maslahah based Production The Empirical Evidences from the Domestic and World Economy, Thoughts on Economics, Volume28, Number 1&2,pp. 49-58

11. Hossain, Basharat (2015), Application of Islamic consumer theory an empirical analysis in the context of Bangladesh, Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business, Volume2, Number 1, pp. 69-83

12. Hossain, Basharat (2015), Economic Rationalism and Consumption Islamic Perspective, International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences (IJESS), Volume 3, No. 2, PP. 21-36,

13. Hossain, Basharat (2014), Nexus between Foreign Aid and Economic Growth Evidences from Bangladesh, Global Journal of Management and Business Research Economics, Volume 14, Issue 6 ,Version 1.0, pp.87-95

14. Hossain, Basharat (2014), Do the Slum Dwellers Enjoy the Basic Constitutional and Economic Rights as a Citizen in Bangladesh?, Global Disclosure of Economics and Business (GDEB), Vol. 3, No 3, PP.27-37

15. Hossain, Basharat (2014), Poverty Reduction during 1971-2013 Periods Success and Its Recent Trends in Bangladesh, Global Journal of Human-Social Science Economics, Volume 14, Issue 5, Versions 1.0, PP. 39-47.

16. Hossain, Basharat (2014),Economics of Information and Advertising A Comparative Analysis in View of Conventional and Islamic Economics, Thoughts on Economics, Volume24, Number 2, pp. 17-34