Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Md. Ashraful Goni
Nuzaira Tarannum
Nuzaira Tarannum
Nuzaira Tarannum
Nuzaira Tarannum
Maliha Tabassum
Sanjoy Basak Partha
Partha, S. B., Tabassum, M., Goni, M. A. & Kundu, P., (forthcoming in 2024). Artificial Intelligence and Future Newsroom: A Study on Journalists of Bangladesh. Pacific Journalism Review, 30(1).
Sanjoy Basak Partha
Sanjoy Basak Partha
Sanjoy Basak Partha
Sanjoy Basak Partha
Haider, S. & Partha, S. B. (2019).Representation of Middle-Class Citizen Life in the Films of Mrinal Sen. Probondhaboli (An Academic Journal published by the Center for Advanced Research in Social Sciences, University of Dhaka). 11. pp. 53-70.
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Nadia Nahrin Rahman
Priyanka Kundu
Priyanka Kundu
Priyanka Kundu
Priyanka Kundu
Priyanka Kundu
Priyanka Kundu
Mehedy Hassan Razib
Mehedy Hassan Razib
Mehedy Hassan Razib
Dr. Md. Mostafa Rashel
1. Ashaduzzaman, M & Rashel, M. M (2007-2008). Morphosyntactic Analysis of Marma Language.The CDR Journal (A Journal of Center for Development Research), Vol. 3 & 4,December 2007-2008, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2. Rashel, M. M (2009). Morphosyntactic Analysis of Mro Language; The Dhaka University Journalof Linguistics (DUJL), Vol – 2, No – 3, ISSN 2075-3098, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3. Rashel, M. M (2011). Introducing Language Technology and Computational Linguistics in Bangladesh,International Journal of English Linguistics(IJEL), Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2011, ISSN 1925-869X, Canada.
4. Rashel,M. M (2011), Phonological Analysis of Chatkhil Dialect in Noakhali District, Bangladesh,Theory and Practice in Language Studies (TPLS, ISSN 1799-2591), Vol. 1, No.9, pp. 1051-1061, September 2011, ISSN 1799-2591, ACADEMY PUBLISHER, Finland (SCOPUS INDEX Journal).
5. Rashel, M. M (2012), Standard Colloquial Bengaliand Chatkhil Dialect: A Comparative Phonological Study, The Journalof Language in India (Volume 12: 1 January2012, ISSN 1930-2940) India.
6. Hazarika,Puspanjali. & Rashel, M. M (2019),Language Technology and Computational Linguistics, International Journalof Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Vol.9, Issue 1, India (SCOPUS INDEX Journal).
Dr. A. S. M. Asaduzzaman
1. “Cultural Imperialism: An Overview”, anarticle published in The Dhaka UniversityStudies (a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Faculty of Arts,University of Dhaka), June 2002-June 2003 issue.
2. “Social Impacts of New CommunicationTechnologies in Bangladesh”, an article published in The Social Science Review (a peer-reviewed academic journalpublished by the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka), vol. 24,number 1, June 2007.
3. “Media Consumption Patterns of theChildren of Working-Class Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City” an articlepublished in The Social Science Review,vol. 25, number 2, December 2008.
4. “The Construction of ‘DigitalBangladesh’: A Critical Analysis of the National ICT Policy”, an articlepublished in The Social Science Review,vol. 32, number 1, June 2015.
5. “Digital Bangladesh: A neoliberalproject?” an article published in TheSocial Science Review, June 2017.
6. “ICT in Rural Bangladesh: A SocialPower Approach to Development/Empowerment?”, an article published in Journal of Sociology (a peer-reviewedacademic journal published by Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka),Vol. 9, Issue 1, January-July, 2017.
7. “Gender communication in cyberspace:Gendered use of Facebook in Bangladesh”, a co-authored article by Dr. A.S.M.Asaduzzaman and Janina Islam Abir published in The Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part D], vol.35, number 1, June 2018.
8. “KwgDwbwU†iwWI I Dbœqb: evsjv‡`‡kর KwgDwbwU †iwWIÕ‡Z RbAskMÖnY", a co-authored articleby Dr. A.S.M. Asaduzzaman and Mousumi Khatun, accepted for publication in ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা,২০২০ [a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Facultyof Arts, University of Dhaka]
9. “Media Dependency inDisaster: A Study on Digital Media Usage of Dhaka Dwellers during Covid-19Pandemic”, an article submitted to the Centre for Advanced Research in SocialSciences, University of Dhaka for publishing in the special edition of itsjournal on “Coronavirus issues”.NUSRAT JAHAN
Jahan, N., & Razib, M. H. (2023). Child Abusing News: Episodic and Thematic Media Framing Adapting the Children Act and UNICEF’s Principles in Bangladesh. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, 9(2), 112–130.
Rakib, M. A. A. (2022). Matir Projar Deshe (2016): New wine in Old Bottle for Bangladeshi Film. Bangladesh Cinema and Television Institute Journal, 1(11), 113–134.
Rakib, M. A. A. (2021). Critical Analysis of Dhaka Attack (2017): Social alienation leading to individual’s radicalization. Bangladesh Film Archive Journal, 17, 179–185.'s_radicalization