Officer's Profile

Liton Chandro Sarkar

Deputy Director

Department of Centre for Higher Studies & Research


S.S.C, দি এইডেড হাই স্কুল, সিলেট
H.S.C, মদন মোহন কলেজ
Honors, জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Masters, জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
M.B.A, সাউথইস্ট বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
PG Diploma , শাহজালাল বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

Last Updated:26 Nov 2023

Journal Publication
  1. Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2022). Empirical Assessment on the Impact of Leverage andCapital Adequacy on Performance of Non-Bank Financial Institutions inBangladesh. THE ATHENS JOURNAL OF BUSINESS& ECONOMICS (AJBE), e-ISSN: 2241-794X , published by the Business & Law Division and the EconomicsUnit of ATINER (listed in the NationalLibrary of Greece) (3-yearmoving average citations 0.63, total Citation Index 2.17, h-5 Index 5), Volume8, Issue 2, April 2022–Pages 159-176 available at
  2.    Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2022) and Shafique,Brigadier General Md. Anwar. Cross-Border Regions as Potential and EmergingTourist Destinations for Trade in Services: A Study of Sunamganj Border inBangladesh. JAGANNATHUNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STUDIES (JnUJBS), Jagannath University, ISSN:2957-8248, Volume-9 &10, Issue-1&2, 2022 Edition.
  3.   Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2020). An Empirical Analysis on the English as a GeneralEducation Course at University Level in Bangladesh. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC &ENGINEERING RESEARCH (IJSER), ISSN: 2229-5518, Volume-11, Issue-9,September 2020 Edition.
  4.    Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2020). A Systematic Review on Industry 4.0 toEducation 4.0: A New Paradigm in Transforming the Future of Education inBangladesh. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN BUSINESS AND SOCIALSCIENCES, Volume 10, issue 14-2020 (SpecialIssue - WSTI2018 - Issues and Trends on Education, Science and Technology)  E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2020 HRMARS,
  5. Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Hamid, Md. Abdul (2020). An Empirical Study on the Culture and Tradition ofthe Santal Community and the Effects of NGOs in the Santal Community’s Life andCulture in Bangladesh BUP JOURNAL, BangladeshUniversity of Professionals, ISSN: 2219-4851 (Paper accepted).
  6. Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Ahsan, K M Imam (2018).AnExploratory Study to identify the Factors that are Responsible for Employee Retentionin Organisation in Bangladesh, JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, Begum RokeyaUniversity, Rangpur ISSN: 2523-0220, Volume-1, Number-2, December 2018, Pages 101-120.
  7. Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Iqbal, AK M (2018).Analysis of Performance Appraisal Techniques:Bangladesh Perspective, BUPJOURNAL, Bangladesh University of Professionals, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume-6,Issue-2, December 2018, Pages 34-51.
  8. .     Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Uddin,Md. Nokir (2018).Mobile Bankingin Bangladesh: An Empirical analysis,PCIU  JOURNAL, Port City InternationalUniversity, Chittagong, Volume 5, IssueNo 1&2, January-June 2018.
  9. Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Kamal, MMortuza (2017).A Study on theEffect of Incorporated Marketing and Business Growth of MobileTelecommunications Industry in Bangladesh”, BUP JOURNAL,Bangladesh University of Professionals, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 5, Issue 1, May2017, Pages 77-92.
  10. Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2016). An Empirical Review of the Key Elements of MarketOrientation in Bangladeshi SMEs Performance”, BUP JOURNAL, Bangladesh University of ProfessionalsISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2016, Pages 77-92.
  11.  Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Ferdousi, F (2015)Impact ofMicrofinance on sustainable entrepreneurship development”, Developmentstudies Research (Taylor & Francis: Routledge Publishing company, UK),Vol.2, No.1, 2015, P: 51-63 (SCOPUS Index and Q 2 Journal withimpact factor 0.5)
  12. Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2014). An Analysis ofManagement Accounting Amplification and Practices in Bangladesh”, MalaysianManagement Journal,  ISSN: 0128-6226(Vol.2 Issue.1, 2013, Page 32-50), journal.html#jissue.
  13. Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2013).Understanding RMGFire Safety Risk Assessments -An Identification Methods For Targeting MitigateFire Hazards”, Fire Safety Journal,( ElsevierNetherlands), ISSN: 0379-7112, Volume 61, Part A, November 2013, Pages 20-29.
  14. Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2012). “An Empirical Assessment on Job Satisfaction ofPublic Knowledge Employees in Bangladesh”. Journal of Economics and SustainableDevelopment, Vol.3, No.6, 2012.

Last Updated:14 Oct 2024

a.   Local National Dailies-Articles/Columns


1.      Will We Prioritise Education in National Budget?, Daily Sun,Date: May 26, 2024, weblink:


2.      Urgent Need to Tackle Brain Drain, Daily Sun, Date: February14, 2024,  weblink:


3.      Building Smart Bangladesh: The Urgent Need to Tackle Brain Drain, TheNew Nation, Date: February 11, 2024, weblink:


4.      Smart Education Is Key to ‘SmartBangladesh’, Daily Sun, Date: September 23, 2023,  weblink:


5.      Smart Bangladesh: Courageous Move Based on the Success of DigitalBangladesh, Daily Sun, Date: January 17, 2023,  weblink:


6.      Nanotechnology to Grab 4IR Opportunities, The New Nation, Date:November 15, 2022,  weblink:


7.      Bridge with National Dignity and Pride, The New Nation, Date:June 25, 2022,  weblink:


8.      Making Universities Ready for the Future, Daily Sun, Date: June14, 2022,  weblink:


9.      Why global university rankings miss Bangladeshi ones?, TheIndependent, Date: October 02, 2021, weblink:


10.  Why is STEAM learning so important for the future education inBangladesh?, The Independent, Date: June 02, 2021,  weblink:


11.  Digital Change Necessity Disclosed Further in Covid-19, The NewNation, Date: August 11, 2020,  weblink:


12.  Covid-19: Economic impact and gearing up for a digitaltransformation, The Independent, Date: August 08, 2020,  weblink:


13.  Industry 4.0 can make Bangladesh a sustainable manufacturing hubto grab the future, The Independent, Date: Feb 14, 2020,  weblink:


14.  Industry 4.0 To Grab The Future, The New Nation, Date: Feb 13,2020, Page-5,  weblink:


15.  Elimination of hunger and malnutrition is good economics, TheFinancial Express, Date: April 21, 2015, Page-6,Vol-XXII / No-158


16.  Higher economic growth: How to make it happen?, The FinancialExpress, Date: December 14, 2014, Page-6,Vol-XXII / No-35


17.  The Cost of EU sanction s against Russia, The FinancialExpress, Date: October 18, 2014, Page-4, Vol-XXI /No-329


18.  Moving up the global innovation ladder, The Financial Express,Date: August 5, 2014, Page-4, Vol-XXI / No-258


19.  Global oil supply and demand equation poses risks, The DailyStar, Date: July 15, 2014, Page-7 (OP-ED) , Vol-XXIV No-179


20.  Income inequality in Bangladesh perspective, The FinancialExpress, Date: July 9, 2014, Page-4, Vol-XXI /No-234


21.  Improving the trade competence, The Financial Express, Date:May  15, 2014, Page-4,Vol-XXI / No-180


22.  Global RMG market: Bangladesh projected as 'Next China', TheFinancial Express, Date: March 28, 2014, Page-4,Vol-XXI / No-134


23.  US apparel market and Bangladesh scenario, The FinancialExpress, Date: January23, 2014, Page-4, Vol-XXI /No-72


24.  What Hartal means for the economy, The Financial Express, Date:November15, 2013, Page-6, Vol-XXI / No-6


25.  A critique of the Labour Law-2013: An Improvement but NotComprehensive, The Financial Express, Date: September 14, 2013, Page-6


26.  A critique of the Labour Law-2013: It’s no use crying over spilledmilk, time to act, The Financial Express, Date: September 15, 2013, Page-6


27.  Promoting the image of ‘Made in Bangladesh’, The FinancialExpress, Date: May 20, 2013, Page-6


28.  Salvaging the reputation of the garment industry, The FinancialExpress, Date: May 19, 2013, Page-6


29.  Fuel price hike casts a pall of gloom on economy, The FinancialExpress, Date: January 11, 2013, Page-6


30.  ডারবান সম্মেলন বিশ্ব জলবায়ু পরিবর্তনে বাংলাদেশের প্রভাব, দৈনিক ইওোফাক, তারিখ: জানুয়ারি ২০১০


31.  ২০১০ সালের অর্থনীতির আলোকে ভবিষ্যৎ অর্থনীতি, দৈনিক ইওোফাক, তারিখ: জুলাই ২০১০


32.  সিলেটের অর্থনৈতিক সম্ভবনা ও বিসিক নগরী, দৈনিক ইওোফাক, তারিখ: ২৪ মার্চ ২০০৯


33.  বিদ্যুৎঃ কি হচ্ছে, কি করা উচিৎ?, দৈনিক জনকন্ঠ, তারিখ: ১৩ আগস্ট ২০০৮


মূল্য বৃদ্ধি ও নিয়ন্ত্রন নিয়ে কিছু ভাবনা, দৈনিক জনকন্ঠ, তারিখ: ২২ এপ্রিল ২০০৮

Last Updated:14 Oct 2024

a.   Abroad Dailies-Articles/Columns



Title of publications

Published in




Can Bangladesh End the Brain Drain? The Roadmap to Retaining Talent

Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Date: February 10, 2024 Can-Bangladesh-End-the-Brain-Drain-?-The-Roadmap-to-Retaining-Talent/172-2616526.html





Bangabandhu Tunnel: Major Milestone with A Potential Game Changer

The Asian Age (London)

Date: September 11, 2023

291018/liton-chandro-sarkar- Bangabandhu-Tunnel-Major-








SMART Education for Smart Bangladesh

The Asian Age (London)

Date: September 11, 2023


smart- bangladesh.html?utm_source=latest






Catastrophic of 15th August: National Mourning Day of Bangladesh

The Asian Age (London)

Date: August 15, 2022





Dreaming of Crossing a Bridge with National Dignity and Pride

The Times of India (India)

Date: June 24, 2022





Prevent extremist thinking through proper Education

The Borneo Post (Malaysia)

Date: June 21, 2015 1/ prevent-extremist-thinking through-proper-educationt/#ixzz3dwhZc951jjv





Today’s Business Environment Requires New Leadership Skills

Business Standard (India)

Date: March 25, 2014 opinion-liton.





Bangladesh Catching Up to China and Vietnam in Race for U.S. Apparel Market Share

The Economic Times (India)

Date: January 21, 2014 opinion-liton..







Last Updated:14 Oct 2024

a.   Selected Pieces in Local Magazine


1.      Golden Opportunity for Bangladesh to Capture Chinese Market, KnittingViews Bangladesh, March-April  2014/Vol-1/issues-4


2.      GlobalRMG market–Bangladesh projected as Next China, Apparel Bulletin, May 22, 2014,


3.      HARTAL-RMG sector in grip of sick politics and drain Bangladesh’spotential, Bangladesh Apparel Views, December2013/Vol-1/issues-3


4.      Amended Labour Act-2013: Will it meet the industry demand? BangladeshApparel Views, October 2013/Vol-1/issues-2


5.      Savar Tragedy & Fighting for Industry reputation, BangladeshApparel Views, October 2013/Vol-1/issues-2

Last Updated:14 Oct 2024

a.   Abroad Magazine



Title of publications

Published in



Pivoting and Reinventing Learning-What Education 4.0 Means to Bangladesh?


Posted: 12/01/2021




Dealing with the Competition: Theoretical analysis


Posted: 12/01/2014 1:56 am




Creativity and Innovation: Your Keys to a triumphant Organization


Posted: 18/06/2013 08:11 pm




There's a decisive divergence between Creativity and Innovation

Lanka Monthly Digest (LMD)

The Voice of Business

June issues -12/




The Importance of Porter's Diamond & Porter's Five Forces in Business

Lanka Monthly Digest (LMD)

The Voice of Business

June issues -12/




Market-Challenger Strategies : Key Concepts




A success story of RMG sector

Indian Apparel Views

October 2013/Vol-1/issues-2




Bangladesh:  Skirmishing for Industry reputation and Future prospects

Indian Apparel Views

October 2013/Vol-1/issues-2





Last Updated:14 Oct 2024

a.   Research Report


1.     Bangladesh RMG Industry: PresentSituation and Future Prospects, The European Apparel andTextile Confederation; EURATEX , Euratex Bulletin, 24 rueMontoyer – Box 10 – B – 1000  Brussels


2.     Garments Business: A Success story ofBangladesh, EURATEX , Euratex Bulletin,24 rue Montoyer – Box 10 – B – 1000  Brussels


3.     Impact of RMG sector in Bangladesheconomy, Institute ofApparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA


4.     Global Cotton Market Through 2013-2014, Institute of Apparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA


5.     Growth prospects of cotton and textileindustries in Bangladesh, Instituteof Apparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA


6.     Regional Economic Integration: Learning from SouthAsia and the World, Instituteof Apparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA


7.     The scenario of bilateral trade betweenBangladesh & South Africa: Current Barriers & Recommendations forfuture prospects, Institute of ApparelResearch And Technology (iART), BKMEA


8.     Cotton: Production, Supply and DemandData Statistics, CDB (Cotton Development Board),Bangladesh


9.     Regional strategy for cotton – to –clothing value chain “Supply Chain Management”- Offering the New Paradigm forBangladesh Garment Industry, Uzbek Cotton Fair,  Tashkent


10.  RMG:Landmarks to Remember, Ministry of Commerce,Bangladesh


11.  Contributionof Bangladesh knitwear sector: Fact File, Instituteof Apparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA


12.  Incentiveson RMG Sector: A comparative analysis based on the Competitor countries ofBangladesh and Policy Suggestions, Institute ofApparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA


13.  A midyear review of RMG &textiles export, Cotton & TextileFair, India


14.  BKMEA proposal for Export Policy2015-18, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB),Bangladesh


15.  BKMEA isperforming the following activities to ensure compliance issues in the knitwearsector, Ministry of Commerce,Bangladesh


16.  Bangladeshmaking progress to regain GSP, Bangladesh All Party Parliamentary Group(APPG), Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA


17.  Concernover political deadlock, violence: RMG may lose 20 pc market share, Institute of Apparel Research AndTechnology (iART), BKMEA


18.  Cost of unrest estimated at $4b, Institute of Apparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA


19.  NationalTripartite Plan of Action on Fire Safety and Structural Integrity: BKMEAProgress, Ministry of Labour andEmployment, Bangladesh


20.  BangladeshRMG Industry: Navigating the Challenging Times Ahead and Government SupportNeeds for Survive from Major International Competitors, Institute of Apparel Research AndTechnology (iART), BKMEA


21.  Report onCondition of Human Rights of Women Garments Workers in Bangladesh, BKMEA –USA Delegation Visits


22.  BKMEA ProgressStatus on Fire Safety and Structural Integrity Issues, Economic Relations Division (ERD), Bangladesh


23.  Minimumwages for Knit Sector in Bangladesh: Sustainable or not?, Institute of Apparel Research AndTechnology (iART), BKMEA


24.  Policy Matrix:The Challenge of Export Competitiveness, Instituteof Apparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA


25.  BangladeshRMG Sector : LOOKING BACK & MOVING FORWARD, BKMEA–USA Delegation Visits


26.   AFTERRANA PLAZA, Bangladesh All PartyParliamentary Group (APPG), Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA

Last Updated:14 Oct 2024

Conference Papers

InternationalConference Proceedings


·        6th Meeting ofthe Asian Cotton Research and Development Networkheld on 18-20 June, 2014 organized by Cotton Development Board, Ministry ofAgriculture, Bangladesh.


·        “Impact of RMG sector inBangladesh economy” held on 16th January to19th January, 2014, at The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., 'KapasBhavan', Plot No.3-A, Sector 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumabi-400 614 (Maharashtra)India.


·         Workshopon Developing Training Manual on Fire Safety” held on 20th to 24thNovember, 2013, at ‘GIZ Office’, organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für InternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Research –ProjectProposal


·        Project Proposal to GIZ for Enhancing Capability ofBKMEA Fire Safety Cell

·        Minimum wages for KnitSector in Bangladesh: Sustainable or not?

·        BKMEAPropose Dummy Technology up gradation fund scheme for Bangladesh GarmentsIndustry growth

Last Updated:14 Oct 2024

Training /Seminar/ Workshop Attended




·   Trainingon “Personal Income Tax Return Filing” heldon 21st to 31st October, 2022, organized by The Institute of Cost and ManagementAccountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB).


·   Trainingon “Preparing Financial from Scratch” heldon 20th to 30th October, 2022, organized by The Institute of Cost and ManagementAccountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB).


·   Training on “Right to Information” held on 18th September, 2022,Organized by Bangladesh University ofProfessionals (BUP).


·   Trainingon “Non-Traditional Security Challenges in a Globalized World: A CommonStrategy for Developing Countriesheldon 28th November, 2019, Organized by National Defence College (NDC).


·   Trainingon SPSS E-Views and STATA Organizedby Bangladesh University ofProfessionals (BUP) from 03-11-2014 to 27-11-2014.


·   Trainingcourse on “Rules and Procedures forImport, Export and Customs” held on 11th to 14th May,2014, at ‘EBP (Export Promotion Bureau) Training Room’, organized by Bangladesh Foreign TradeInstitute (BFIT).


·   Workshop on Developing Training Manual onFire Safety” held on 20th to 24th November, 2013,organized by GermanEmbassy Dhaka, Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


·   Trainingon “Introduction of Multimedia- TypeE-learning Methods into Higher Education” held on 4th January to14th January, 2013, at IBA,organized by University & IndustryAlliance, University of Dhaka.


·   CertificateCourse on “Hazard analysis and CriticalControl Points (HACCP)” held on 18th December to 19thDecember, 2012, at IBA, organized byUniversity & Industry Alliance,University of Dhaka.


·   CertificateCourse on “Sustainable Innovation:Converting Ideas to Work” held on 13th December to 14thDecember, 2012, at IBA, organized byUniversity & Industry Alliance,University of Dhaka.



Training on “IT Management System Process andTechniques” held on 6th September to 12th September, 2005, at CSE Dept.,organized by Kathmandu University, Nepal.

Last Updated:14 Oct 2024


1.     GLOBAL BUYERS’ INFORMATIONDIRECTORY, ResearchBook, Published & Conducted by Institute of Apparel Research And Technology(iART), BKMEA; Published Date: April, 2015

2.     AFTER RANA PLAZA, ResearchWorking Paper Series-1, Research Book, Published & Conductedby Institute of Apparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA; PublishedDate: March, 2014. Weblink:


3.     Knit Barta , Issue2013 & 2014, Knit Statistical Data Book, Published & Conductedby Institute of Apparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA;Published Date: April & August-2013; January &August-2014


4.     Fire Safety TrainingManual Book, Published & Conducted by Instituteof Apparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA; PublishedDate: November-2013


5.      KnitCommunique, Issue October-2013, Research Book,Published & Conducted by Institute of Apparel Research AndTechnology (iART), BKMEA; Published Date: 2013


6.     Knit Bulletin , Issue2013 & 2014, Knit News Bulletin Book, Published & Conductedby Institute of Apparel Research And Technology (iART), BKMEA;Published Date: October, 2013


7.     Developing the Strategic Plan ofBangladesh Police for 3 years (2012-2014), Bangladesh PoliceReform Program, Discussion &Policy Briefs Papers, working as a ResearchAssistant,  Published by University& Industry Alliance-Research Centre , IBA, University of Dhaka, Conductedby United Nations Development Program (UNDP);  Published Date: August, 2012


8.     Teaching Evaluations inSouth Asia (TESA) Modules, Conducted by Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) in India, University and Industry (U&I) Alliance from theUniversity of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Instituteof Health Management Research (IIHMR)in India,  LahoreUniversity of Management Sciences(LUMS) in Pakistan, University of Sri Jayawardenepura (USJ) in  Sri Lanka, Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) in India and Ibn Sina Institute of Public Health and Management Sciences (IPHMS), Bangladesh; Published by International Development Research Centre Canada (IDRC) and managed and coordinated by the Sri Lanka Evaluation Association(SLEvA);  Responsibilities: Amongthe eight modules, have worked for designing the last module; Published Date:July, 2012. weblink:


9.     DiscussionPaper on Teacher, Trainer and Researcher at Tertiary Level: BangladeshPerspective, Conducted by HIKMA International Trust Published by Jalalabad University College, Sylhet; Date: February 2011


10. MarketResearch Book- Ensuring the MIS systems in Sylhet areas anddeveloping e-commerce tools and techniques, Conducted & Published by PGD in IT (Batch-5), CSE, ShahjalalUniversity of Science and Technology, Sylhet; Date: July 2005

11. Market Research Book- Banking Operation, Service Management and CustomerSatisfaction in Sylhet Division, Conducted & Published by BankAsia; February 2008

Last Updated:14 Oct 2024

S.S.C, দি এইডেড হাই স্কুল, সিলেট
H.S.C, মদন মোহন কলেজ
Honors, জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Masters, জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
M.B.A, সাউথইস্ট বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
PG Diploma , শাহজালাল বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

Last Updated: 26 Nov 2023

Last Updated: 26 Nov 2023

  1. Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2022). Empirical Assessment on the Impact of Leverage andCapital Adequacy on Performance of Non-Bank Financial Institutions inBangladesh. THE ATHENS JOURNAL OF BUSINESS& ECONOMICS (AJBE), e-ISSN: 2241-794X , published by the Business & Law Division and the EconomicsUnit of ATINER (listed in the NationalLibrary of Greece) (3-yearmoving average citations 0.63, total Citation Index 2.17, h-5 Index 5), Volume8, Issue 2, April 2022–Pages 159-176 available at
  2.    Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2022) and Shafique,Brigadier General Md. Anwar. Cross-Border Regions as Potential and EmergingTourist Destinations for Trade in Services: A Study of Sunamganj Border inBangladesh. JAGANNATHUNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STUDIES (JnUJBS), Jagannath University, ISSN:2957-8248, Volume-9 &10, Issue-1&2, 2022 Edition.
  3.   Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2020). An Empirical Analysis on the English as a GeneralEducation Course at University Level in Bangladesh. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC &ENGINEERING RESEARCH (IJSER), ISSN: 2229-5518, Volume-11, Issue-9,September 2020 Edition.
  4.    Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2020). A Systematic Review on Industry 4.0 toEducation 4.0: A New Paradigm in Transforming the Future of Education inBangladesh. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN BUSINESS AND SOCIALSCIENCES, Volume 10, issue 14-2020 (SpecialIssue - WSTI2018 - Issues and Trends on Education, Science and Technology)  E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2020 HRMARS,
  5. Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Hamid, Md. Abdul (2020). An Empirical Study on the Culture and Tradition ofthe Santal Community and the Effects of NGOs in the Santal Community’s Life andCulture in Bangladesh BUP JOURNAL, BangladeshUniversity of Professionals, ISSN: 2219-4851 (Paper accepted).
  6. Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Ahsan, K M Imam (2018).AnExploratory Study to identify the Factors that are Responsible for Employee Retentionin Organisation in Bangladesh, JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, Begum RokeyaUniversity, Rangpur ISSN: 2523-0220, Volume-1, Number-2, December 2018, Pages 101-120.
  7. Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Iqbal, AK M (2018).Analysis of Performance Appraisal Techniques:Bangladesh Perspective, BUPJOURNAL, Bangladesh University of Professionals, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume-6,Issue-2, December 2018, Pages 34-51.
  8. .     Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Uddin,Md. Nokir (2018).Mobile Bankingin Bangladesh: An Empirical analysis,PCIU  JOURNAL, Port City InternationalUniversity, Chittagong, Volume 5, IssueNo 1&2, January-June 2018.
  9. Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Kamal, MMortuza (2017).A Study on theEffect of Incorporated Marketing and Business Growth of MobileTelecommunications Industry in Bangladesh”, BUP JOURNAL,Bangladesh University of Professionals, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 5, Issue 1, May2017, Pages 77-92.
  10. Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2016). An Empirical Review of the Key Elements of MarketOrientation in Bangladeshi SMEs Performance”, BUP JOURNAL, Bangladesh University of ProfessionalsISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2016, Pages 77-92.
  11.  Sarkar, Liton Chandro and Ferdousi, F (2015)Impact ofMicrofinance on sustainable entrepreneurship development”, Developmentstudies Research (Taylor & Francis: Routledge Publishing company, UK),Vol.2, No.1, 2015, P: 51-63 (SCOPUS Index and Q 2 Journal withimpact factor 0.5)
  12. Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2014). An Analysis ofManagement Accounting Amplification and Practices in Bangladesh”, MalaysianManagement Journal,  ISSN: 0128-6226(Vol.2 Issue.1, 2013, Page 32-50), journal.html#jissue.
  13. Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2013).Understanding RMGFire Safety Risk Assessments -An Identification Methods For Targeting MitigateFire Hazards”, Fire Safety Journal,( ElsevierNetherlands), ISSN: 0379-7112, Volume 61, Part A, November 2013, Pages 20-29.
  14. Sarkar, Liton Chandro (2012). “An Empirical Assessment on Job Satisfaction ofPublic Knowledge Employees in Bangladesh”. Journal of Economics and SustainableDevelopment, Vol.3, No.6, 2012.

Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024

Last Updated: 01 Jan 1970

SR Training Name Training Subject Training Institution Training Country Name Training Year Training Duration
সার্টিফিকেট কোর্স Sustainable Innovation: Converting Ideas to Work ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় বাংলাদেশ 2012 ১৩/১২/১২ হইতে ১৪/১২/১২

Last Updated: 01 Jan 1970

Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024